Guest Posts:
- We accept paid guest posts that are relevant to our niche (tech,business, games, gadgets,health,etc).
- All guest posts must be original, high-quality content with a minimum word count of 800 words.
- Promotional and self-serving content will not be accepted.
- You can include up to two do-follow links within the guest post.
Link Insertion:
- We allow paid link insertions within existing articles on our website.
- The links must be relevant and add value to the content.
- We reserve the right to review and approve the inserted links.
Banner Ads:
- We offer banner ad placements on our website.
- Banners must be provided in the following formats: JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
- All banner ads must be relevant to our niche and not contain offensive or misleading content.
- The banner ad sizes we support are: 300×250, 728×90, and 160×600.
Home Page Links:
We offer placement of sponsored links on the homepage of our website.
These links will be visible to all visitors and provide maximum exposure.
Home page links must be relevant to our niche and meet our quality standards.
Please note the following general conditions:
- All advertisements are subject to approval, and we reserve the right to reject any advertisement that does not meet our standards.
- Payments for advertisements must be made in advance.
- Prices are subject to change, but any confirmed bookings will be honored at the agreed-upon price.
- We do not provide refunds for advertisements once they are published.
- For detailed pricing, custom advertising packages, or any additional inquiries, please contact us via
We look forward to partnering with you to promote your products and services on Please provide us with the necessary details and we’ll be happy to accommodate your advertising needs.
Thank you for choosing Techtennow as your advertising platform!