Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Epiosde 6 Urdu Subtitle

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Epiosde 6 Urdu Subtitle

How many wars do the sultans march forward with the polytheists, prepare your soldiers quickly, I am looking for him wherever he is hidden. He is trying to save Wahji at the risk of his life. He will not be the American office. I will head the board. You will bring the day. Excuses us from the back Find him and bring him to me Salahuddin Ayoubi is walking with his companions ahead of the officers as some American men stop him A soldier says why are your shoes tied? Which their parents also want so that it will come to me and what reason they are confused because it gives birth to idolatry so it is not allowed for children to wear such shoes you do not type.

Selahaddin Eyyubi Epiosde 6 Urdu Subtitle

If the marriage is attacked, if Saladin Ayyubi and those who are with him kill all three of them in the Philippines – then they call it “hiding” before the others reach it, saying that they name the husband while Goth is watching the clash with the brothers, the commander asks what’s the point, but we’re going to stand and watch it all, how are you going to get out alive? Only then will we catch you. First, I will get information in your hand before your eyes. Then I will kill you. There are people coming out of the prison that Nasreddin entered the Diwan. Sultan was shocked and worried. They become and a unique verse comes out of their mouths spontaneously.

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi

They see that Salahuddin Ayubi’s companions are moving forward quickly and when they reach outside the prison, they stand in the same way. It is done, all right, you people, this Sindhi Saad Rafiq brother, leave there and as Salahuddin Ayubi and him go to the prison, Gregor comes behind and says that the victim has also entered the house. Ka’s journey is going to be a cartoon, they are describing it like crazy and then they say, “How dare you come here, knowing that I can do it to you, that when you come with me, the sword always knows the dominance of religion, so not only religion.” He says, “The night is a big secret. You are faster than it. Brother, the Sultan asks, what are you talking about?” They go and their eyes are left wide open. On the other hand, there is a change in the field with Salahuddin Ayyubi. Islamic Salahuddin Ayyubi reaches there with his friends and starts seeing them.


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